A fake ID is one that doesn't belong to you, has been made illegally, or changed (for example to make you look older). Most of the time it's against the law to make, have or use a fake ID for anything, including to get into a pub, club or bar or to buy alcohol. It's also against the law to lend your ID to someone else or lie so that you can get a real ID (for example lying about your date of birth or giving fake documents).
If you're caught doing these things, you could be fined as much as $2,200!
For free and confidential legal advice about this topic, please contact us here.
Access to ALL Australian Fake ID templates (including NSW, VIC AND QLD) Silver Membership $39 per month. Access to templates for Canada, Australia, USA and UK.
A fake ID is one that doesn't belong to you, has been made illegally or has been changed (for example to make you look older). Most of the time it's against the law to make, have or use a fake ID for anything, including to get into a pub, club or bar or to buy alcohol. Our Fake ID cards are dispatched from our Melbourne location within 2 business days of your purchase. This applies to all our cards including NSW 'fake' ID cards and VIC 'fake' ID cards. Simply upload your photo to the Fake ID maker order form and details and we will take care of the rest. New South Wales is the Australian state situated in the south-east of the continent. Sydney, the largest city of Australia, is the capital of New South Wales, giving home to approximately 2/3 of the state's people. Total population of the state is above 7.7 million people, and its area is just 312 square miles. Platypus is the animal symbol.
What is a fake ID?
A fake ID is an ID that:
- has been made illegally;
- has been scratched or altered in any way (like to make you seem older); or
- doesn't actually belong to you (like a friend's or brother's ID).
What are the accepted forms of ID in NSW?
In New South Wales, you can prove your age using:
- a current driver licence (NSW or interstate); or
- a current Australian or foreign passport; or
- a current NSW Photo Card (or current interstate proof of age card).
Is it illegal to use a fake ID?
It's against the law to use a fake ID to buy alcohol or get into a pub, club or bar.
If you are caught and you're under 18, the police can:
- give you a warning;
- give you a formal caution;
- fine you up to $800; or
- charge you, and you might have to pay as much as $2,200!
If it's the first time you've used a fake ID, it's unlikely that the police will charge you. They normally only charge people under 18 years old if they have been caught using a fake ID before.
And if you are over 14…
But if you're over 14, you could also have your provisional driver's licence extended by 6 months (either P-1 or P-2), even if you haven't started your P's or your L's yet!
Is it illegal to have a fake ID on me?
If the fake ID is in the form of a NSW Photo Card or NSW driver licence, it is illegal to have it on you.
If you're caught with one and you're under 18, you could be:
- given a warning;
- given a formal caution;
- fined between $700-$800 on the spot by police; or
- fined up to $1,100 if you're found guilty by a court.
Is it illegal to make a fake ID?
It's against the law to make an ID. Making an ID includes scratching, changing or forging an ID. If you're under 18 and you're caught doing this, you could be:
- given a warning;
- given a formal caution;
- given an on the spot fine of $749; or
- charged and could pay up to $1,100 if you're found guilty by a court.
Do I have to tell the police or security my name, age and address?
It is illegal not to give the police or an employees of a place where alcohol is sold (e.g. a bouncer) your name, address and date of birth when asked. You can be fined $220 for refusing to do this.
For more information on your rights when talking to police, please visit our page on police interviews.
Can my fake ID be confiscated?
Only the police and certain people from Roads & Maritime Services can confiscate a fake ID. Staff members cannot, but even if they do there will usually be nothing you can do about it.
What if I use someone else's ID?
If you use someone else'sNSW Photo Card or NSW driver licence, you could be fined between $700-$800 on the spot by police, or up to $1,100 if convicted by a court.
What if I lend someone my ID?
It is against the law to lend your NSW Photo Card or NSW driver's licence to someone else. If that person gets caught, the police may ask both of you how that person got hold of your ID.
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If the police find out that you gave your ID to someone else and you knew they were going to pretend it was theirs, you may:
- be given a warning;
- be given a formal caution by the police;
- be fined between $700-800 on the spot by the police; or
- be charged and fined up to $5.500 if you are found guilty by a court.
What if I lie to get an ID?
It's against the law to give false information to get your ID (like using fake documents or lying to Roads & Maritime Services). If you're caught lying to get a photo card, you can be fined $749 on the spot.
If you're caught lying to get a driver's licence or photo card and the authorities decide to charge you, you could have to pay up to $1,100 if found guilty by a court.
If you're under 25 and you have a question about IDs that we haven't answered here, please ask us a question here and we can give you some free information and advice.
You may be required to prove your identity when you are requesting a Transport for NSW product or service. While our requirements may seem strict, they're necessary to protect your identity and privacy, and to ensure the accuracy and integrity of our records.
On this page
What you need to provide
To prove who you are to Transport for NSW, you'll need to provide:
- A NSW driver/rider licence or NSW Photo Card that is current, or has expired within the last two years (provided it's not recorded as lost, stolen or destroyed). General boat and Personal Watercraft driving licences are not acceptable
OR - Two documents – one from List 1 and one from List 2.
Important: In all cases, your identity documents must be originals. Copies, certified copies and laminated documents are not acceptable.
If you're providing documents from List 1 and List 2, your name should be the same on both documents. If they're different, see Changing your personal details. Your gender (if shown) should also be the same on both documents.
Your signature
One of your proof of identity documents should show your signature.
If it doesn't, you'll need to provide a statement from one of the following people witnessing your signature:
- Your employer
- Bank manager
- School principal
- Accompanying parent or guardian.
Our application forms generally include a section for the witness to complete, if necessary. You can also download a Witness Letter.
Reference statement
If you are applying for a replacement NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card and can't provide acceptable proof of identity documents, you'll need to provide a reference statement.
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This needs to be from someone who is aged 18 years or older and has known you for at least 12 months, and who holds a current NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card. We may contact your referee to confirm their statement.
Our application forms generally include a section for the referee to complete, if necessary.
List 1
Important: Your List 1 document must show your full name, and the day, month and year of your birth. Transport for NSW may verify any document with the issuing authority.
Documents must be original. Copies and certified copies are not acceptable.
The List 1 documents are:
- An Australian full birth certificate showing parental details issued by a Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriage. Historic Certificates issued in 1987 and 1988 are also acceptable.
- Commemorative certificates are not acceptable. A standard Birth Certificate is issued with a Commemorative Certificate as a package, this is the only certificate accepted. See the Births, Deaths and Marriages website for information
- An overseas birth certificate showing parental details, provided a passport or an official Australian travel document is also shown
- A current Australian passport or one that expired within the last two years. Validation with the Australian Passport Office may be required for passports issued within the last two years. Passports that have been cancelled for any reason, are not accepted
- The following travel documents issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
- A current Certificate of Identity
- A current Document of Identity
- A current Titre de Voyage
- A current overseas passport. Passports that have been cancelled for any reason, are not accepted
- An Australian naturalisation or citizenship document, issued by the Australian Government
- The following documents issued by the Australian Government:
- A Document for Travel to Australia (up to five years from the date of issue on the accompanying visa)
- Evidence of Immigration Status (EIS) ImmiCard
- Permanent Resident Evidence (PRE) ImmiCard*
- Residence Determination ImmiCard (RDI)*
- Australian Migration Status (AMS) ImmiCard
*From 1 July 2017 the Australian Government stopped issuing PRE and RDI ImmiCards. Cards issued before 1 July 2017 will be accepted. - A Transport for NSW issued NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card that has been expired more than two years, but less than five years. The licence must display a card number and not have been revoked or reported as lost, stolen or destroyed. The licence may be presented as a plastic driver licence card or as a NSW digital driver licence.
- A current driver licence from another Australian state or territory, or one that expired within the last two years. If your interstate licence shows your middle name(s) as initial(s), you'll require another supporting List 1 or List 2 document that shows your full name
- A current photo identity card for the NSW Police Force, excluding civilian staff or family
- A current consular photo identity card, issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
List 2
Important: Your List 2 document must show at least your family name and your first given name in full. It should also match your List 1 document. See List 2 name differences for more information.
Documents must be original. Copies and certified copies are not acceptable.
The List 2 documents are:
- A current green or blue Medicare card, Pensioner Concession Card, Department of Veterans' Affairs entitlement card or any other current entitlement card issued by the Australian Government
- A current plastic credit card or account card issued by a bank, building society credit union, American Express or Diners Club International, showing your name and signature
- A passbook or account statement or letter up to 12 months old, issued by a bank, building society, credit union, American Express or Diners Club International, as long as it includes the following:
- Customer's family name and first given name in full
- Account number or account type
- Financial institute letterhead or financial institute branch stamp.
- A telephone, gas or electricity bill up to 12 months old
- A water rates, council rates or land valuation notice up to 12 months old
- A current student identity card displaying your photograph, issued by an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university. Where a student identity card has an issue date but no expiry date, it may be accepted up to two years from the date of issue
- Evidence of enrolment at an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university up to 12 months old, on the institution's letterhead and showing your name
- A current Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permit issued by Transport for NSW, with or without a photo
- A current Transport for NSW issued NSW photo Firearm, Security Industry or Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents operator licence
- A current photo identity card for the Australian Defence Force, excluding civilian staff or family
- A current interstate Proof of Age/Evidence of Age/Personal Information Card
- A Keypass issued by Australia Post with an expiry date on or after 1 October 2020 (whether under 18 or 18+).
List 2 name differences
If there are differences between the names shown on your List 1 and List 2 documents, see the following table. In all cases, if your List 2 document shows initials, the initials need to match your full name(s) as shown on your List 1 document.
List 2 document | Acceptable or not? |
Showing your first name as an initial | Only acceptable as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing both your first and middle names as initials | Only acceptable as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing your middle name(s) as initial(s) | Acceptable as a List 2 document or as proof of NSW residential address |
Not showing your middle name(s) | Acceptable as a List 2 document or as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing additional name(s), or initial(s) not shown on your List 1 document | Not acceptable |
Documents not in English
If any of your identity documents are not written in English, you'll need to provide an official translation.
Translations are only acceptable if they're from:
- Multicultural NSW (previously Community Relations Commission of NSW). Visit the MNSW website for more information
- The Translating and Interpreting Service provided by the Department of Home Affairs. Visit the Translating and Interpreting Service for more information.
We also accept translations from the Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea and from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO), Sydney.
Translations obtained through any other means are not acceptable.
Proof of identity for organisations
If youre dealing with Transport for NSW on behalf of an organisation, for example to register a vehicle in a company name, the Director or an authorised delegate must complete the relevant application form, provide their own proof of identity, and:
- Complete and sign the Representatives Authority section on the Application form OR
- Provide a letter of authorisation on company letterhead, AND
- Provide proof that the company or organisation is a legal entity by providing evidence of its Australian Company Number (ACN):
- Certificate of Registration for a company
- Current Company Extract
- Certificate of Registration on Change of Name
- Printed extract from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) website.
Please contact Transport for NSW by calling 13 22 13 for more information about proof of identity requirements for other types of organisations.
Why do I need to prove who I am?
Protecting your identity is important for you and for Transport for NSW. Because licences and NSW Photo Cards are used by many individuals and groups as a reliable form of identification, we have to ensure the integrity of these cards is protected.
One of your proof of identity documents should show your signature.
If it doesn't, you'll need to provide a statement from one of the following people witnessing your signature:
- Your employer
- Bank manager
- School principal
- Accompanying parent or guardian.
Our application forms generally include a section for the witness to complete, if necessary. You can also download a Witness Letter.
Reference statement
If you are applying for a replacement NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card and can't provide acceptable proof of identity documents, you'll need to provide a reference statement.
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This needs to be from someone who is aged 18 years or older and has known you for at least 12 months, and who holds a current NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card. We may contact your referee to confirm their statement.
Our application forms generally include a section for the referee to complete, if necessary.
List 1
Important: Your List 1 document must show your full name, and the day, month and year of your birth. Transport for NSW may verify any document with the issuing authority.
Documents must be original. Copies and certified copies are not acceptable.
The List 1 documents are:
- An Australian full birth certificate showing parental details issued by a Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriage. Historic Certificates issued in 1987 and 1988 are also acceptable.
- Commemorative certificates are not acceptable. A standard Birth Certificate is issued with a Commemorative Certificate as a package, this is the only certificate accepted. See the Births, Deaths and Marriages website for information
- An overseas birth certificate showing parental details, provided a passport or an official Australian travel document is also shown
- A current Australian passport or one that expired within the last two years. Validation with the Australian Passport Office may be required for passports issued within the last two years. Passports that have been cancelled for any reason, are not accepted
- The following travel documents issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
- A current Certificate of Identity
- A current Document of Identity
- A current Titre de Voyage
- A current overseas passport. Passports that have been cancelled for any reason, are not accepted
- An Australian naturalisation or citizenship document, issued by the Australian Government
- The following documents issued by the Australian Government:
- A Document for Travel to Australia (up to five years from the date of issue on the accompanying visa)
- Evidence of Immigration Status (EIS) ImmiCard
- Permanent Resident Evidence (PRE) ImmiCard*
- Residence Determination ImmiCard (RDI)*
- Australian Migration Status (AMS) ImmiCard
*From 1 July 2017 the Australian Government stopped issuing PRE and RDI ImmiCards. Cards issued before 1 July 2017 will be accepted. - A Transport for NSW issued NSW driver licence or NSW Photo Card that has been expired more than two years, but less than five years. The licence must display a card number and not have been revoked or reported as lost, stolen or destroyed. The licence may be presented as a plastic driver licence card or as a NSW digital driver licence.
- A current driver licence from another Australian state or territory, or one that expired within the last two years. If your interstate licence shows your middle name(s) as initial(s), you'll require another supporting List 1 or List 2 document that shows your full name
- A current photo identity card for the NSW Police Force, excluding civilian staff or family
- A current consular photo identity card, issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
List 2
Important: Your List 2 document must show at least your family name and your first given name in full. It should also match your List 1 document. See List 2 name differences for more information.
Documents must be original. Copies and certified copies are not acceptable.
The List 2 documents are:
- A current green or blue Medicare card, Pensioner Concession Card, Department of Veterans' Affairs entitlement card or any other current entitlement card issued by the Australian Government
- A current plastic credit card or account card issued by a bank, building society credit union, American Express or Diners Club International, showing your name and signature
- A passbook or account statement or letter up to 12 months old, issued by a bank, building society, credit union, American Express or Diners Club International, as long as it includes the following:
- Customer's family name and first given name in full
- Account number or account type
- Financial institute letterhead or financial institute branch stamp.
- A telephone, gas or electricity bill up to 12 months old
- A water rates, council rates or land valuation notice up to 12 months old
- A current student identity card displaying your photograph, issued by an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university. Where a student identity card has an issue date but no expiry date, it may be accepted up to two years from the date of issue
- Evidence of enrolment at an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university up to 12 months old, on the institution's letterhead and showing your name
- A current Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permit issued by Transport for NSW, with or without a photo
- A current Transport for NSW issued NSW photo Firearm, Security Industry or Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents operator licence
- A current photo identity card for the Australian Defence Force, excluding civilian staff or family
- A current interstate Proof of Age/Evidence of Age/Personal Information Card
- A Keypass issued by Australia Post with an expiry date on or after 1 October 2020 (whether under 18 or 18+).
List 2 name differences
If there are differences between the names shown on your List 1 and List 2 documents, see the following table. In all cases, if your List 2 document shows initials, the initials need to match your full name(s) as shown on your List 1 document.
List 2 document | Acceptable or not? |
Showing your first name as an initial | Only acceptable as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing both your first and middle names as initials | Only acceptable as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing your middle name(s) as initial(s) | Acceptable as a List 2 document or as proof of NSW residential address |
Not showing your middle name(s) | Acceptable as a List 2 document or as proof of NSW residential address |
Showing additional name(s), or initial(s) not shown on your List 1 document | Not acceptable |
Documents not in English
If any of your identity documents are not written in English, you'll need to provide an official translation.
Translations are only acceptable if they're from:
- Multicultural NSW (previously Community Relations Commission of NSW). Visit the MNSW website for more information
- The Translating and Interpreting Service provided by the Department of Home Affairs. Visit the Translating and Interpreting Service for more information.
We also accept translations from the Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea and from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO), Sydney.
Translations obtained through any other means are not acceptable.
Proof of identity for organisations
If youre dealing with Transport for NSW on behalf of an organisation, for example to register a vehicle in a company name, the Director or an authorised delegate must complete the relevant application form, provide their own proof of identity, and:
- Complete and sign the Representatives Authority section on the Application form OR
- Provide a letter of authorisation on company letterhead, AND
- Provide proof that the company or organisation is a legal entity by providing evidence of its Australian Company Number (ACN):
- Certificate of Registration for a company
- Current Company Extract
- Certificate of Registration on Change of Name
- Printed extract from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) website.
Please contact Transport for NSW by calling 13 22 13 for more information about proof of identity requirements for other types of organisations.
Why do I need to prove who I am?
Protecting your identity is important for you and for Transport for NSW. Because licences and NSW Photo Cards are used by many individuals and groups as a reliable form of identification, we have to ensure the integrity of these cards is protected.
Identity fraud is one of the fastest growing crimes in Australia, costing the Australian community billions of dollars every year. Someone could steal your identity and use it for fraudulent purposes. Examples include:
- Financial fraud, taking out loans with a false identity
- Immigration fraud, including people smuggling and undetected movement of criminals between countries
- Unlawful use of licences, leading to traffic offences and demerit points being incorrectly assigned to you
We've worked closely with the NSW Police and other relevant agencies on our proof of identity arrangements. While the arrangements may seem strict, they're necessary to protect your identity and privacy, as well as the driver licensing system.
More information about identity fraud
- The Australian Government: Protecting Your Identity. This information is also available in a number of community languages
- NSW Police: Fraud prevention.
When you'll be asked to prove your identity
Transport for NSW will ask you to prove your identity:
- When you apply to obtain, renew or replace any NSW-issued card with a photo on it:
- NSW driver and rider licences
- NSW Photo Cards
- Mobility Parking Scheme cards
- Driving Instructor licences
- Firearms, security industry and CAPI licences
- If you request a new vehicle registration, or transfer registration into your name
- When you apply for special number plates, and for other number plate related transactions
- When applying for an E-toll tag.
Identity protection measures
In addition to our stringent proof of identity requirements, Transport for NSW also has a number of other measures in place to help protect you from identity fraud:
- Comparison of photo images, using facial recognition technology
- Significant security features on licences and other photo cards
- Recording licences and other photo cards reported as lost, stolen or destroyed when an application for replacement is made
- Referral of difficult or suspicious customer identification cases to a specialist unit
- Validation of key proof of identity documents with the issuing authorities, where appropriate.
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In a small number of cases, the checks we make may take a number of days. If this applies to you, you'll be advised as soon as enquiries are completed.
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Concerned you're a victim of identity fraud?
If you believe that somebody may have stolen your identity, we can place a restriction on your Transport for NSW records, so that full proof of identity is required by anyone attempting to do business with us in your name. Call us on 13 22 13 for assistance.
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Read the latest information from Service NSW.